XODINE™ Pico-Colloidal Iodine Review

 XODINE™ iodine is a Cedar Bear Naturales™ standardized manufacture & standardized potency pico-colloidal mono-element iodine matrix, a unique transformative non-mineral salts based mono-elemental ‘triiodide’ product made using the revolutionary Pureodine™ process.

A proprietary trade secret pico technology driven endeavor, the Pureodine™ process is the result of a strategic developmental collaboration between Cedar Bear Naturales™ founder/president L. Carl Robinson, as lead developer, and a SME team with backgrounds in science, engineering and cutting-edge technologies. This collaboration resulted in the development of the Pureodine™ process – the lab-grade manufacturing technology for making the XODINE™ transformative glycerite of pico-colloidal non-mineral salts based mono-element triiodie – now in its 6th generation of proprietary trade secret enhancements & improvements – all a first in the industry and setting the industry standard for alcohol-free mono element liquid iodine products.

Iodine is Essential To A Healthy Life

Iodine is, both developmentally and throughout life, an essential part of healthy DNA integrity, immunity, metabolic balance, endocrine function and cardiovascular health and is believed to be a major contributor to longevity.

Fact is, there IS a world-wide humanity ‘iodine deficiency’ crisis! Over 50% of the population is either deficient in iodine and/or shows subtle to profound symptoms of  iodine/thyroid related deficiencies that is considered endemic, a situation worse than pandemic.

Proper iodine enriched thyroid and healthy tissue saturated levels of iodine throughout the body are a major protective factor against immune incursions and the effects of environmental contaminants and countering the rising levels of planetary radiation contamination and pollution.

Fully State Law and Federal Regulatory Policy Compliant

The manufacture of XODINE™ iodine is State licensed and meets Federal standards. (Raw elemental iodine is a controlled substance that comes under CSA (Controlled Substance Acts) both at a State and Federal level.) The licensing, approvals and regulatory documentary procedures are exacting and costly. Cedar Bear Naturales made the decision to pursue the licensing, approvals, meet the holding/handling standards, and incur the ongoing regulatory documentary process for Pureodine™ process manufacturing of XODINE™ transformative pico-colloidal iodine due to its highly unique and proprietary nature and that XODINE™ iodine is a perfect fit with Cedar Bear Naturales™ other lines of products and philosophy of natural health and well-being.

And yes! the certified USP grade raw iodine used in the making of XODINE™ transformative pico-colloidal iodine is derived from all-natural high altitude deep mined sources where the raw material for obtaining iodine from has been encapsulated for millennia away from the pollution of humanity and natural events deep in the earth until getting mined/extracted. Once the Fukushima nuclear disaster happened, and with its radiation ejecta into the ground, ground water and into Pacific Oceana not being contained but still flowing and dispersing at disaster level amounts, Cedar Bear Naturales™ determined to no longer obtain raw iodine crystals for making its Pureodine™ made iodine that were sourced from deep ocean seaweed, due to the known radiation contamination now ensuing throughout the greater Pacific Ocean and surrounding ocean seas.

Iodine in Nature

Because of its highly reactive nature, “pure” elemental iodine is not found in nature per se’, but is in bound up combinations with other elements as a compound. Some of these compounds are Calcium + Iodine, Sodium + Iodine, Potassium + Iodine, all as iodides or iodates, that in these strongly bound forms have been shown to only have an approximate highest end 20% iodine-based availability/uptake/utility (typically 10% or less) into the various tissues of the body, making them biologically inefficient iodine-to-utilization ratio forms of iodine supplementation that’s also harder to dose monitor the iodine factor than a stabilized pico-colloidal non mineral salts based mono-element  triiodide of iodine.

These ‘natural’ mineral-combined (as rock deposits) and plant cellulose matrix bound (i.e. ‘linked’ and ‘cross-linked’) forms of iodine, as iodides (and iodates), are typically so strongly bonded to other minerals and/or linked/cross-linked cellulotic polysaccharides that the iodine is often hyper-sequestered in these bound forms, as if being inert, meaning that the elemental iodine’s ability to interact biologically with other elements, compounds (both organic and inorganic) is arrested/blocked resulting in its absorption and tissue uptake into the body not being able to take place, or  if such should happen, taking place only on a very low efficiency ‘iodine up-take’ basis. As mentioned, sea weed’s non-digestible highly crosslinked cellulose mucopolysaccharide’s binding effects on iodine release and absorption into the body, and iodine’s strong binding to non-digestible calcium carbonate (caliche) deposits, are excellent examples of two very commonly available yet inefficient low percentage iodine-based release/absorption sources for iodine supplementation. Nature of course intended for iodine to be strongly bound and sequestered as iodine in a pure diatomic form is highly reactive and toxic to biological systems. The Pureodine™ processes’ stabilizing this reactive aspect of pure elemental iodine in a liquid base is one of the wonders of the Pureodine™ process. 

raw iodineWhere biologically-based clinical and supplemental BRMPV  (Benefit Received-to-Money Paid Value) efficiency for the iodine supplement’s anticipation for efficiency of ‘actual’ iodine absorbed & utilized) are concerned – both neccessitate that nature’s bound forms of iodine (as iodides and iodates) first be separated into their elemental states, clarified and purified of any other bound-to components and/or impurities into a USP grade elemental crystalline iodine (as certified ‘USP Resublimated’ iodine crystals). In this purified crystal form, iodine (now a State and Federal regulated controlled substance under the CSA (Controlled Substance Act) ) is a highly reactive, unstable and toxic substance, because it is ‘pure’ iodine, nothing else! This is the main factor that typically requires the use of a mineral-salts based iodide (such as potassium iodide) to bind, stabilize and partially gentle this form of pure elemental iodine crystals into a semi-stable consumable iodide, such as KI – Potassium Iodide for instance.

However, when purified resublimated USP iodine crystals are subjected to the glycerin-based Pureodine™ process the iodine is glycerolized, the diatomic bonds of iodine are cleaved (i.e. broken apart), and becomes pico-colloidalized (exhibiting a profound ‘Brownian’ movement and  scattering of light) and transformed into a low-to-non-toxic form of mono elemental (i.e. atomic) iodine (also referred to in some circles as monoatomic or ‘nascent’ iodine, even though Pureodine™ made iodine is a triiodide made up of monoatomic iodine), without the addition of mineral salts or mineral salts of iodides! From a clinical and supplementation perspective this latter point is very important and has far reaching ramifications unique to the transformed mono elemental Pureodine™ processed glycerite of pico-colloidal iodine.

The iodine/iodide-based products (e.g. Lugol’s solutions… Iodoral, Iosol, Sea-Adine, Kent Marine, etc.) and variations thereof (both liquid and dried), have been so widely recommend because it was the best thing out there….. until XODINE™ iodine!

Iodine Myths versus Facts

The prevailing, and now outdated, concept is that in-vitro (i.e. manufactured) based iodine/iodide combine is the only good (and safe) iodine preparation out there. This is a myth. As previously noted, this standard iodine/iodide combination is only  approximately 20% maximum efficient in its uptake and utility in the body, and there are side effects from the body’s re-configuring manufactured iodides into tissue usable forms of iodine/iodides, not to mention the discomfort and digestive system disturbances that can happen from mineral-salts based iodides.

The assertion that the body most benefits from an in- vitro prepared (i.e. ‘manufactured’) iodine/iodide mix is, intended or not, based on supposition and over simplified assumptions. The physician/iodine-doctor authors writing who promote that in-vitro prepared iodine/iodide supplementation are preferred by the body do not reference any verifiable science-standardized clinical studies and/or scientifically-based biochemistry studies to support this assertion. The studies supporting this specific assertion simply don’t exist, because head-to-head studies comparing manufactured mineral-salts based iodides to pico-colloidal mono-elemental triiodide (aka ‘nascent’ iodine) have not been performed! It is an assumption made without proper scientific verification of the assumption. What has been scientifically verified is that the body uses IODINE! Look up any anatomy or physiology text. Never do they say ‘iodide,’ or ‘iodine/iodide.’ They always say iodine! A very important and intended distinction indeed!

The problem that has clouded the issue and caused these highly assumptive assertions to be made is, in its pure non-transformed elemental form (whether as crystals or as dissolved/hermetically sealed solutions) pure elemental iodine is highly reactive and intrinsically toxic, and no one, until the introduction of the Pureodine™ process for making a glycerite of transformed pure elemental pico-colloidal iodine product, had overcome this problem with mono-elemental iodine to the degree the Pureodine™ process does, so that over time the popular consensus of in-vitro manufactured made mineral salts based iodine/iodide use evolved to lugols (and its various iterations) being the only way to go, irregardless of context-based scientific considerations or not.

Amazingly, it seems that the fact the body is able to in-vivo combine other minerals with elemental iodine into its own unique bio-iodides of calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, etc., has been completely overlooked due to the problem of making a commercially viable source of a versatile non-toxic mono-element based iodine matrix that possesses profound stability and little to no cytotoxicity. Pureodine™ processed XODINE™ triiodide iodine breaches this age old problem by providing a viable non-toxic source of mono-elemental liquid pico-colloidal iodine, that is highly stable, that the body is able to efficiently uptake and turn into its own carrier (and tissue storage) mineral bio-iodides for easy biological utilization throughout the body.

iodine moleculeNow there is a highly stable mono element alcohol-free liquid iodine product… called XODINE™! It’s safe – so why not give the body what it needs, prefers and uses?   XODINE™

In-vitro manufactured mineral salts of iodides or iodates are not what is essential for normal DNA sequencing and a healthy developing fetus into a normal healthy baby to be born – Iodine is. In-vitro manufactured iodides is not what mixes with tyrosine and histidine and becomes a naturally occurring, and structure & function-based, ‘intrinsic’ anti-mutating agent in the body – iodine is, and so on and so on. XODINE™ mono-element pico-colloidal triiodide iodine is the kind of highly stable non-toxic mono-element based iodine that the body needs, craves and prefers – because the body actually prefers to make its own bio-iodides, in-vivo, as the need arises and purpose dictates and, as nature intended!

Therefore, the Pureodine™ processed XODINE™ nano-colloidal mono-element based triiodide of iodine makes secondary forms of iodine, such as potassium iodide, unecessary (both as a dissolving aid and a strong binding bufferer/stabilizer in manufacturing KI). This is because the Pureodine™ process has a diatomic bond cleaving & transformative effect on the ‘pure’ elemental iodine itself, making it non-toxic, non- irritating to tissues/mucosal linings, and more bio-available as an elemental-based iodine matrix. XODINE™ triiodide of iodine efficiently enters the blood stream and disperses throughout the body, being converted, in-vivo, into carrier bio-iodides, then back to bio-buffered elemental iodine and then recombined with specific proteins into hormones, immune factors or as safe tissue saturating stores of iodine reserves for later use, especially during times of immune and/or environmental incursions, stress and trauma.

Yes! The Pureodine™ Glycerine-Based Process Does Break The Diatomic Bonds Of Elemental Iodine, Among Other Innovations 

One of the most outstanding features of XODINE™ iodine is that it is a ‘true’ glycerite of mono-element pico-colloidal triiodide of iodine matrix… the ‘original’ and most stable true glycerite of pico-colloidal mono-element triiodide of iodine available in the industry or marketplace. This has major implications as true glycerite of transformed iodine are much easier and less toxic on biological systems.

Unlike a glycerol-additive based iodine and/or iodine/iodide, wherein glycerin is simply added as a final ingredient after the iodine/iodide has already been processed with another solvent (i.e. water, alcohol, chloroform, chlorine gas, etc.) and that solvent has been drawn off, to which glycerin is then after added as a filler/preserving ingredient, – the USP grade, Kosher Certified, GMO-free 100% vegetable glycerin used in making XODINE™ iodine is actually an integral part of the trade secret Pureodine™ processing technology that in turn breaks the diatomic bonds of the iodine crystals into a mono-elemental form of iodine, as a triiodide, and makes the formerly toxic elemental iodine non-toxic and imparts astounding stability, preservability and versatility to the finished XODINE™ glycerite of pico-colloidal triiodide of iodine. At no time is the raw iodine subjected to ‘direct’ heat, toxic chemical solvents, gases or alcohol, as is typically done. This is an important and category-defining aspect of the Pureodine™ process, and a first ever in the world of mono-element based pico-colloidal triiodide of  iodine making technology.

The Pureodine™ Process – A Brief Overview

The Pureodine™ process itself is quite revolutionary and a proprietary trade secret as to its making. However, some aspects of the Pureodine™ process are worth noting openly. First, it does not utilize toxic solvents or gases (such as chloroform, chlorine gas, etc.) and is totally 100% alcohol-free (no alcohol ever used in the making) and utilizes glycerin instead, and, this ‘glycerin-based’ process does in fact break (i.e. cleaves) the diatomic bonds of pure diatomic bound iodine crystals. The proof is in the concentrated and stable product, that it’s a deep amber/brown color indicative of being a concentrated ‘triiodide,’ and its high effectiveness at lower doses.

Very specialized equipment, some custom engineered and crafted, is required for this unique process. There are steps and procedures that have never before been done in the specific Pureodine™ processing fashion with this type of glycerite of iodine preparation, including Cedar Bear Naturales™ innovative protocols for sublimating>capture/micro-fracturing/transforming/stabilizing the elemental iodine without a secondary mineral salts iodide (i.e. potassium iodide), gases or alcohol, and creating a hyper diatomic-bond cleaving of the iodine solution at a molecular level that in turn drives the transformative/stabilizing process of the iodine matrix that results in the effective non-toxic mono-elemental glycerite of pico-colloidal triiodide of iodine matrix that XODINE™ iodine is.

In other words, the Pureodine™ process breaks the diatomic bonds of the raw iodine into mono-elemental atomic iodine and changes (i.e. transforms) the state of the specially liquified iodine matrix to a non-toxic form of mono element pico-colloidal triiodide of  iodine without the addition of a secondary mineral salts iodide, toxic solvents, gases or alcohol, with the transformed elemental iodine possessing a greater gentleness and percentage of tissue iodine uptake potential in the body than a typical in-vitro manufactured mineral salts based iodine/iodide mix or other ‘nascent’ iodine products  are capable of.

The Iodine/Thyroid/Immunity Connection

ThyroidHormoneProductionIn this transformed pico-colloidal state XODINE™ triiodide of iodine can safely be converted within the body (in-vivo) into the various forms of carrier endo-iodides (i.e. combined within the body with calcium, sodium, potassium, etc.) unique to a body system, where each bio-iodine carrying mineral complex, as in-vitro combined endo-iodides carries its iodine molecule to the part of the body it has an affinity for, to enrich those tissues, and where the thyroid is concerned, in a very quick series of sequences the iodine in the endo-iodide mineral complex carrier is converted back to mono-elemental iodine then immediately recombined, as an essential mineral element, with special protein configuarions to form the thyroid hormones T-3 and T4. The same thing happens wherein elemental iodine is combined with certain proteins to become the recently studied naturally occurring intrinsic anti-mutagenic  agents that are one of the naturally occurring immunity factors of the body, provided tissue levels of iodine is amply present throughout the body. XODINE™ triiodide of iodine is a first ever for a mono-element based iodine matrix preparation.

(Note that XODINE™ triiodide of iodine is devoid of any impurity and/or REDOX factors evidenced by its  deep amber/brown color. Also, a simple starch blot test (that turns the iodine purple) will show the presence of elemental iodine in the product, however the micro-encapsulating property of glycerin will slow down a blot test outcome as compared to non micro-encapsulating alcohol containing iodine solutions.)

Iodine – The Mineral Basis of The HPT (Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Thyroid) Axis

XODINE™ triiodide of iodine is intended for human and animal uses as an excellent daily dietary supplement. Being an essential mineral for thyroid health, immunity and metabolic well-being, iodine is also an important part of sound cardiovascular, liver, bone and CNS health. Iodine is the core mineral basis of the HPT (Hypothalamus–Pituitary–Thyroid) Axis, and many believe that the HPT Axis is the underlying basis of the HPA (Hypothalamus–Pituitary– Adrenal) Axis, which implies that to balance many HPA Axis driven issues, the HPT Axis first needs to be dealt with, of which iodine is the key mineral to HPT Axis balance and health.

XODINE™ triiodide of iodine possesses dietary transformed mono-element pico-colloidal iodine in a highly bioavailable state, evidenced by the results of its uses. This means that XODINE™ triiodide of iodine, when taken as directed, is gentler on the digestive system and mucosal lining with a high percentage of the elemental iodine being taken up by tissues. XODINE™ iodine does not possesses the harsh stinging or burning sensation that other iodine products do due to its highly stable nature.

XODINEIodine User Related Information

XODINE™ iodine is available as an off-the-shelf  ’consumer-ready’ Standardized potency daily use supplement at your favorite health/supplements products store, or if unavailable from a local store, can be obtained via this web site’s shopping cart. (Even so, please urge your local retail reseller store to stock XODINE™ iodine for you to support their sales activity.) 

XODINE™ iodine content listed on the label is based on the actual ‘iodine’ element in the finished product by weight. This is an important and essential point to consider when purchasing any iodine product for ‘actual’ iodine element content. While the per-dose level of elemental iodine may be lower than other mineral-salts based iodides or other ‘nascent’ types of iodine products, the Pureodine™ made triiodide of XODINE™ iodine requires a lower daily dose because it does not contain other minerals, only elemental iodine, evidenced by feedback from the many clinicians and consumers who use XODINE™. Again, this is due to the highly micro-fractionized transformed pico-colloidal mono-element based nature of XODINE™.

A recommended maintenance level once-a-day (daily) intake of 6 drops of XODINE™ iodine represent 2,694 mcg of iodine per application (dose) – 1,796% of the RDA for iodine. At the maintenance dose of 6 drops per person a day a 30 ml (1.0 ounce) bottle of XODINE™ iodine will last a family of three up to a month or an individual user for up to three months.

XODINE™ iodine is Kosher certified, Halal dietary compliant, complies with FDA cGMP manufacturing standards and meets State and Federal regulatory policies. XODINE™ iodine is safe for internal use when used as directed, although individuals with known iodine sensitivity issues are recommended to only use the product under the direction of a qualified physician. (NOTE: There is no such thing as an iodine ‘allergy’ since an allergy is ‘proteins’ sensitivity based, never ‘minerals’ based.) 

WARNING: Individuals who have thyroid and/or cardiovascular problems or are on any medications, or have a history of iodine ‘sensitivity’, should consult with a physician before using XODINE™ transformative pico-colloidal mono element based triiodide of  iodine matrix. Side effects and/or contraindications, if any, would generally be the same as that listed for any other supplement use and/or topical use of an iodine matrix preparation regardless of form or state.

Claims and statements herein are for informational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The statements and product are not intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any disease condition.

Claims and statements herein are for informational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The statements and product are not intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any disease condition.