Xodine Dosage

1.Q. What is dosage of Xodine™ for adults for ‘Iodine Loading?’

2.Q. What is dosage of XODINE™ for children 6 to 12 years old for ‘Iodine Loading?’

2.A. 4 to 6 drops of XODINE™ 3 times a day for two to three weeks followed thereafter at 6 drops two times a day. However, iodine loading for children and daily use of iodine supplementation, including dosage considerations, should only be done under the supervision of a physician who understands iodine deficiency issues, iodine loading and use of iodine for dietary supplement purposes, and, where clinical input is desired, a physician is able to perform concurrent head-to-head iodine urine spillage tests and bromine urine spillage tests and read the results accordingly and accurately. (See above 1.A ‘NOTE’)

3.Q. What is dosage of XODINE™ for children 2 to 6 years old for ‘Iodine Loading?’

3.A. 2 to 4 drops of XODINE™ 2 times a day for two to three weeks followed thereafter at 2 drops two times a day. However, iodine loading for children and daily use of iodine supplementation, including dosage considerations, should only be done under the supervision of a physician who understands iodine deficiency issues, iodine loading and use of iodine for dietary supplement purposes, and, where clinical input is desired, a physician is able to perform concurrent head-to-head iodine urine spillage tests and bromine urine spillage tests and read the results accordingly and accurately. (See above 1.A ‘NOTE’)

4.Q. What is dosage of XODINE™ for children under 2 years of age?

4.A. In all instances for children under 2 years of age the dosing for iodine, either for iodine loading purposes or for daily iodine supplemental use, should be determined by and under the supervision of a physician who understands iodine deficiency issues, iodine loading and supplemental iodine use. If a mother is nursing a child, it should be remembered that a nursing child will obtain its iodine needs through a mother’s milk.

5.Q. What is dosage of XODINE™ for nursing mothers for ‘Iodine Loading?’

5.A. 6 to 8 drops of XODINE™ 3 to 4 times a day for two to three weeks followed thereafter at 8 drops two times a day, however, in all instances of iodine use while nursing, including dosage considerations, iodine use should only be done under the supervision of a physician who understands iodine deficiency issues, iodine loading and supplemental iodine use, and, where clinical input is desired, a physician is able to perform concurrent head-to-head iodine urine spillage tests and bromine urine spillage tests and read the results accordingly and accurately. (See above 1.A ‘NOTE’)

6.Q. What is dosage of XODINE™ for nursing children for ‘Iodine Loading?’

6.A. A nursing child receives its iodine intake from the mother’s milk. To bolster a nursing child’s iodine intake see answer to question 5-Q above. However, where a nursing mother might be iodine deficient, such iodine use by a nursing mother, including dosage considerations, should only be done under the supervision of a physician who understands iodine deficiency issues, iodine loading and supplement iodine use, and, where clinical input is desired, a physician is able to perform concurrent head-to-head iodine urine spillage tests and bromine urine spillage tests and read the results accordingly and accurately. (See above 1.A ‘NOTE’)

7.Q. Is XODINE™ an ‘iodide,’ such as KI (Potassium Iodide)?

7.A. No, XODINE™ is not a mineral salts based iodide (or iodate), however, it is a non-mineral salts mono-element pico-colloidal triiodide of iodine. Mineral salts based iodides and iodides are iodine bound to another mineral that forms a ‘salt,’ such as potassium, primarily used in manufacture of typical iodide to gentle/stabilize the highly unstable and toxic pure iodine crystals. Manufactured mineral salts based iodides are harder for the body to uptake and for the tissues to deal with and utilize. In fact, such iodides are not gentle on tissues or mucosal membranes (i.e. esophagus/gastric tissues), and possess greater cytotoxicity (i.e. direct contact tissue toxicity) as the concentration of iodine in the iodide increases. XODINE™ is a special transformed mono element pico-colloidal triiodide of iodine product. In other words, the only mineral ingredient XODINE™ contains is pure mono-element of iodine! This means easier uptake and tissue saturation/utilization of XODINE™’s unique transformed glycerite of non-mineral salt of iodine as a triiodide.

8.Q. Will XODINE™ protect the thyroid the same as potassium iodide?

8.A. Yes, but in a different way. The first point to understand is that KI (potassium iodide) does not ‘initially’ protect the thyroid by saturating (i.e. ‘loading’) the thyroid with iodine, but instead initially blocks iodine of all kinds from entering the thyroid by shutting down the thyroid’s ability to uptake iodine and iodine bound compounds (such as radio isotope bound iodine from radiation fallout, etc.). (This is currently a hotly debated premise, but a close review of the Wolff-Chaikoff Effect (W-C Effect) as elucidated by Dr. Wolf gives strong evidence of this premise. That is not to say KI will not iodize the thyroid, but that it will do so after an initial effect of blocking thyroid/tissue uptake of iodine, which is why it’s the preferred go-to prophylactic for blocking radio ‘iodine’ into the thyroid/tissues of the body…) As KI is saturated into the bloodstream the initial thyroid iodine blocking action turns to iodine thyroid loading due to a physiological/biochemical principle known as “forcing a metabolic pathway,’ wherein the sudden high levels of iodine in the KI thereafter force their way into the thyroid. So yes, KI will iodize the thyroid, but only after the initial iodine blocking action of KI, which is known to be very hard on thyroid function and health, hence government and medical warnings regarding use of mineral salts of iodides as a source for dietary supplementation of iodine. Therefore, while XODINE™ protects the thyroid, as KI does, it does not do so ‘like’ or in the ‘same’ way mineral salts based iodides do. XODINE™, which does not cause initial thyroid blocking of iodine, protects the thyroid by initially saturating the thyroid tissues with iodine. Fact is, non-mineral salts based XODINE™ is a gentler form of iodine on the body’s systems allowing for easier long term supplemental use for iodine tissue loading/saturation with XODINE™’s unique transformed mono element triiodide of iodine matrix.

9.Q. How is the transformed mono-element triiodide of iodine in XODINE™ different from other products that contain ‘nascent’ iodine.

9.A. The transformed mono-element triiodide of iodine in XODINE™ is based on a 100% alcohol-free based glycerite of pico-colloidal iodine, all due to the unique glycerin-based Pureodine™ process XODINE™’s iodine is subjected to. The iodine used in the Pureodine™ process is not subjected to ‘direct’ heat, harsh chemicals or alcohol at any time. The proprietary trade secret glycerin-based Pureodine™ process actually breaks the diatomic bond of elemental iodine crystals, and the transformative aspect of the Pureodine™ process further imparts remarkable stability to the finished mono-element pico-colloidal triiodide of iodine resulting in a very stable and low-to-no toxic product. No other iodine product of this class possesses all the intrinsic qualities that XODINE™’ mono-element pico-colloidal iodine does.

10.Q. Is XODINE™ a ‘Standardized’ iodine product and what quality standards does it comport to?

10.A. Yes! XODINE™ is a ‘potency’ Standardized iodine product (standardized to 1.5% by weight content per 1 oz bottle) of which the finished product meets or exceeds licensing and regulatory standards. The manufacture/processing of XODINE™ iodine is also ‘manufacture standardized,’ meaning that stringent and consistent manufacturing standards and protocols are meticulously adhered to in all instances. Further, all XODINE™ ingredients are USP grade, GMO-free, and Kosher certified, and XODINE™ meets FDA cGMP inspection standards, and complies with Halal dietary standards.

Claims and statements herein are for informational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The statements and product are not intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any disease condition.