Iodine Facts


Consider The Following Disturbing Facts:

• The most recent National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHANES study performed every 10 years), as of this posting, found that United States human iodine levels declined 50% over the 30 year period of 1971 to 2000. (source: CDC (Centers for Disease Control)) [When factored into the statistics, the figures of 1900 to 1970 added to the 1971 to 2000 figures are disconcerting and shocking! LCR]

Of 100 pregnant Boston women, 50% had iodine levels below the RDA of 220 ug/day level for pregnant women, and 9% had ‘severe iodine deficiency’ levels below 50 ug/day. (source: Thyroid 2004; 14 327-8) [There are no indications these figures have improved, and in fact may be worsening. LCR]

“Iodine deficiency is the world’s greatest single cause of preventable mental retardation.” 129 countries soils are profoundly iodine deficient. 1/3 of world’s population live in morbidly iodine deficient areas. Mortality rates are 50% higher in iodine deficient populations. Currently, 72% of world’s population is affected by iodine deficiency. (source: W.H.O.)

Only 35% of prescription prenatal vitamis contain iodine. Those that do, only 15% contain just over 1/2 the RDA level for iodine. [And yet, adequate levels of available iodine are needed for proper fetal brain stem development and for proper development of nerves in a developing child. LCR]

The government’s RDA for iodine was set up to prevent Goiter and Cretinism only (two of the most serious IDD’s (Iodine Deficiency Disorder) conditions known), which are considered ‘serious clinical iodine deficiencies,’ and does not address the body’s other ‘essential’ needs for adequate daily iodine intake (as has been done for other mineral RDA levels), and does not address the increased exposure of the body to goitrogens (iodine blocking agents, i.e. bromine, chlorine, flourine (as flouride), etc.) and iodine binding isotopes (i.e. radiation – both background and direct) in the environment, water tables and food/water supply.

Numerous physicians have noted that many hard to diagnose health problems, often seen as ‘syndromes,’ in fact often have multiple symptomologies that mimick iodine/thyroid deficiency, and those physicians who do treat a person based on iodine/thyroid deficiency symptomology profiles typically obtain positive clinical responses, many profound – based on treating an iodine/thyroid deficiency!


Every cell in the body contains and utilizes iodine to one degree or another.

The thyroid is the body’s #1 iodine storage site.

A woman’s breasts are the second highest storage site in the body.

Women have a higher iodine need than men do.

– Even so, a man’s prostate is the third highest storage site in the body.

Iodine is a core ‘essential’ element in fetal development and ongoing DNA driven processes throughout life.


Stigma of using salt, especially ‘table’ salt… hypertension – as a result, lless than 50% of households use iodized salt.

Radioactive iodine in greater use in medicine… exacerbates already existing iodine deficiency.

Chemical exposures to goitrogens… bromine, chlorine, flourine (as flouride) and drugs (that contain goitrogens).

Declining daily overall mineral uptake levels… soil erision, monoculture-based chemicals farming, highly processed foods, etc.

Diet… foods deficient in iodine and foods that possess goitrogen compounds (i.e. soy, millet, cruciferous veges, spinach, etc.).


Low to no ocean fish or daily sea vegetables intake, now exacerbated by unrelenting Fukushima radiation ejecta into the ocean.

– Depending on ‘sea’ or ‘Real’ salts that in fact don’t contain adequate amounts of iodine to maintain healthy iodine levels.

inadequate use of iodized salt… especially with prevalent ‘Low Sodium’ diets (some iodine, even if mineral salts based, is better than none).

Vegan and vetetarian diets… either low in iodine levels or containing high levels of goitrogen compounds.

Drinking chlorine residue-rich water from high chlorine levels treated municipal water (chlorine is a major goitrogen).

Flourine (as flouride) in municipal water supplies (floride is a major goitrogenic agent).

Bromine in foods and beverages… brominated vegetable oils, electrolyte/sugars replenishers, carbonated drinks, etc.

Bakery products… breads, pastas, cereals, etc. contain bromine as a hidden ingredient (bromine is a major goitrogenic agent).


In the late 1970′s bromine was substituted for iodine in ALL commercial bakery products due to misinformation about iodine.

Bromine is TOXIC! It has no known useful benefit in the body, and it’s now a hidden ingredient in food/beverage ingredient listings.

Bromine substitution for iodine worsened an already well established prior iodine-deficiency problem in America.

Bromine (like its sibling halogens, chlorine and flourine (as flouride)) blocks the body’s ability to uptake and utilize iodine.


All physiology and biochemistry texts clearly state the body needs and utilizes ‘iodine,’ not manufactured mineral salts of iodides or iodates.

A true transformative mono-element pico-colloidal iodine matrix is much less toxic than mineral salts based iodine/iodides. In fact, mineral salts based iodides are used to break up pure mono-elemental iodine crystal clusters and then the mineral salts based iodide binds with the pure iodine to gentle the pure diatomic based elemental iodine’s toxic effects, even though the potassium iodide ‘iodizing’ of iodine does not completely detoxify the diatomic elemental iodine it contains, now in the form of a mineral salts iodine/iodide compound loosely labeled as simply an ‘iodide’ listing the mineral electrolyte binder (i.e. ‘potassium’ iodide, etc.). (This is the primary reason mineral salts iodides are used in conjunction with pure elemental iodine crystals in their manufacture. Chemically speaking, all other reasons are superfluous notwithstanding.)

• 100% alcohol-free (alcohol never used at any time) XODINE™ glycerite of transformative mono-element pico-colloidal triiodide of iodine is the result of a proprietary process that does not use any mineral salts iodides or other binding mineral compounds… only USP grade pure elemental iodine crystals is used in the transformative glycerin-based Pureodine™ process.

• Glycerite of transformative mono-element pico-colloidal triiodide of iodine matrix does not irritate oral mucosa or upset the stomach and is immediately absorbed into the blood stream (the glycerin in a glycerite possess an intrinsic ‘succulent’ effect on oral/gastric tissues that enhances absorption). Approximately 20% or less of the iodine in mineral salts iodine/iodide matrix compounds is actually taken up in the body, leaving the other non-utilizable 80% iodine to be excreted from the body, which often tricks interpreters of iodine spillage urine tests into thinking someine is iodine saturated, when in fact they are not, with said test interpretation further exacerbated by not concurrently performing a bromine spillage urine test to more accurately ascertain what is going on during an iodine loading protocol.

• All exogenic-based in-vitro manufactured mineral salts of iodine/iodides presented nutritionally/medicinally into the body, to be utilized for iodine tissue saturating of the body, especially the thyroid, first have to go to the liver where these manufactured iodine/iodide matrix’ end up being broken down to their separate constituent parts, and then the liver recombines the elemental iodine back into its own in-vivo ‘body-wise’ bio-iodide forms that it can safely and efficiently utilize – hence the intake of exogentic-based in-vitro manufactured mineral salts iodine/iodide matrix is an inefficient burden on the body’s metabolism and fragile buffering systems. Potassium iodide is one of the hardest forms of ‘iodides’ for the liver to break down as evidenced by its long half life in the blood stream, which is necessary for it to act as an emergency high dose radio isotope iodine blocker, where it actually acts to block the thyroid from receiving ALL other forms of iodine, until it is synthesized in the liver into a body-wise bio-iodide. Yes, mineral salt of KI is best for emergency thyroid blocking of radio isotope iodine but is also one of the poorest sources of iodine supplementation, something the medical community and government have known and commented on for decades.

• Pureodine™ processed glycerite of stabilized transformative mono-element pico-colloidal iodine is absorbed and then immediately taken to the liver where it is then converted into endogenic-based in-vivo synthesized ‘bonds-wise’ bio-iodides of potassium iodide, sodium iodide, calcium iodide, magnesium iodide, etc. and then transported throughout the body to mineral specific body tissues (i.e. potassium iodide for thyroid/lymph tissues, sodium iodide for respiratory/digestive tissues, calcium iodide for bone/muscle tissues, magnesium iodide for nerve/heart tissues, etc.).

• Glycerite of stabilized transformative mono-element pico-colloidal iodine is more ‘body-friendly,’ efficiently utilized, and a low-to-no-toxic form of iodine when used according to directions as a dietary supplement for daily iodine supplementation needs.


Iodine levels have fallen 50% over last 30 years (from an already seriously low level).

During the ensuing time there has been a concurrent increase in thyroid related conditions, cardio-autoimmune disorders and numerous cellular mutagenic problems, as well as numerous ‘syndromes’ possessing remarkable iodine/thyroid like deficient symptoms.

If current iodine RDA were adequate for staving off the above conditions, especially as a preventative-based daily intake supplement meant to adequately meet ALL the body’s iodine needs, then incidences of the above conditions would not have risen over the past 30 years.

– Iodine Deficiency Is A Scientifically Verifiable Fact!

– The Multiple Causes of Iodine Deficiency Are Also Well Established.
(As Are The Symptoms and Consequences of Iodine Deficiency.)

–  Mono-Element Pico-Colloidal Iodine Is What The Body Converts Into Its
Own Endogenic-Based Bio-Iodides For Essential Tissue Storage and Use Needs.

– Only Adequate Daily Levels of Supplementary Iodine Intake Of The
Correct Type, Avoiding Goitrogenic Containing Foods, Beverages,
and Water and Chemicals Exposure Will Solve Iodine Deficiency.



XODINE™ Iodine Is The Best Solution
to Supplementally Solving Iodine Deficiencies.



WARNING: Individuals who have thyroid and/or cardiovascular problems or are on any medications should consult with a physician before using XODINE transformative nanocolloidal iodine matrix. Side effects and/or contraindications, if any, would generally be the same as that listed for any other supplemental use and/or topical use based iodine matrix preparation.

Claims and statements herein are for informational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The statements and product are not intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any disease condition.